Why Leapfrog Sports & package details

Why choose Leapfrog Sports?
There are so many but here are the main reasons why Leapfrog Sports is a great choice:
- The work is flexible around your lifestyle and family
- There are multiple revenue streams, from parent classes to nursery and school sessions to birthday parties
- Our sessions are extremely popular and in high demand.
- Excellent processes with all systems in place, tried and tested to make it as simple as possible for you and customers
- Excellent programmes which have been refined and developed so we know what works and covers all lesson plans and all the equipment
- The business can work for you. You could choose to coach, employ a team of coaches or do a mix of both – whichever fits your life
- We are award winning – both industry and business awards, we only have 5-star reviews and are a member of the Institute of Children’s Activity Providers (ICAP)
- You will receive full training and support in setting up, the launch and running of the business
- Low cost and low risk for potential high returns
- Quick and easy to set up and start making money

The Package
As a Leapfrog Sports franchisee, you will receive an excellent value for money package which includes: